Archive for the ‘Community Engagement’ Category

Revealed 2024

Last week was a whirl wind of activity for Yamaji Art. Attending the annual Revealed Professional Development, Emerging Artist Exhibition, Market day and the Aboriginal Cultural Centre consultations was certainly a week to remember. As well an attending the Annual General Meeting for our peak agency Aboriginal Art Centre Hub Western Australia Starting off with […]

art elders exbibition

Celebrating our artist “For Our Elders Exhibition”

A beautiful turn out to honour our Art centre Elders for this years NAIDOC theme “For our Elders” 7 of our senior artists were given the acknowledgment and respect they rightfully deserve. Many of whom have been involved with Yamaji Art as Artists, Board members and Cultural advisors for decades. The showcase gives us an […]

Performers keeping Language alive!

  ·WOW!…what an epic night we all had last night. There was so much anxiousness from all the performers last night but within all of that there was a strong sense of community support, encouragement, love of language, performance and story telling…all the elements that make for a memory laden event! After two years of […]

ART by Charmaine Papertalk Green and Mr John Kinsella

Just in…Newly published and released collaborative book of poetry by our very own director and artist Charmaine Papertalk Green and Mr John Kinsella “ART is the second collaborative poetry work from Charmaine Papertalk Green and John Kinsella. It is a formidable call and response piece that builds on the stunning dialogue the two authors began […]

Bundiyarra Irra Wangga Language Centre’s 2 day Aboriginal women’s forum

Yamaji art recently facilitated and worked alongside community participants at the Bundiyarra Irra Wangga Language Centre’s, 2 day Aboriginal Women’s Forum out at Gunnadoo Farm. Over the 2 days  20+ participants worked on a community collaborative artwork representing the participants  from 11 language groups from all across the Midwest region.  

Intercultural exchange – Yamaji Calisto explores nightsky narratives

Internationally renowned art directors from Italy have arrived on Yamatji land to listen and learn about Indigenous culture, dance and stories, entwining Yamatji language in a cross-culture opera performance. The Yamatji Language, Song and Dance Project has started after COVID-19 disrupted travel arrangements for the two-way learning experiment. World-renowned opera and music theatre production company […]