NAIDOC 2013 Yamaji Art Bush Basket Weaving Workshops

Register now for free bush basket weaving workshops on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 July 2013 at Yamaji Art Centre.

Come and learn how to weave in the style of those Aboriginal groups who live in the Mid West, share a yarn and a cup of tea with community elder Barbara Merritt, as she takes you through the basics of weaving.

Create your own basket or tea light holder. No previous experience required and light refreshment provided.

Please register by email to or through the Yamaji Art Facebook page. Workshops run from 10-4 each day.

Venue: Yamaji Art Centre
Campbell House, Bill Sewell Complex, Geraldton WA 6530

Please download and share our NAIDOC 2013 Bush Basket Weaving Workshop Poster or click on the social media buttons below to share with your friends.

Come back to the Centre on Friday 12 July at 6pm for the Yamaji Art Marketplace Art Sale featuring 50% of old pieces.