Gurawa + Sky Culture Lines Exhibition for NAIDOC Week

Yamaji Art’s NAIDOC 2016 exhibition is “Gurawu + Sky Culture Lines” showing at the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery.

July 1st  – August 20th 2016
Geraldton Regional Art Gallery

Featuring artworks by Yamaji artists from the Midwest of Western Australia.  The land and sky through wildflowers and stars sings stories into the lives of Yamaji  peoples .  The cultural tradition of  passing down  stories through time and family to  creating contemporary stories for the  present and  future  – creating and nurturing culture lines .

Yamaji Art would like to honor and credit principal artist Rolande Wassay Souilere for introducing her painting and collage concepts through a series of art workshops held in Geraldton . All the artworks exhibited in our NAIDOC exhibition were created during these art workshops .

Rolande Souilere originally from Toronto Canada (Annishnaabe and member of the Michipicoten First Nation), currently lives and works in Sydney NSW. Rolande introduced the collage concepts to Yamaji Art through her social art project “The Collage of Indigenization”, and the concept of combining traditional Aboriginal art styles with impressionist styles and techniques for the series of paintings created and now exhibited .

Mara Art Aboriginal Corporation hopes you can make it down to GRAG in Geraldton to view our NAIDOC 2016 exhibition until mid August .

Image credit: ‘Natures Kaleidescope of Colour’ by Kevin Merritt