Sky Talks to Us

Sky Talks to Us

Yamaji Art were recently commissioned to complete a piece for the Berndt Museum of WA. The museum was showcasing a collection of works for an exhibition “Salt Water Mapping”

This collaborative piece included artist such as Charmaine Green, Barbara Merritt, Margaret Whitehurst, Sonya Edney, Sheryl Green, Jennifer Green, Glenda Jackmara, Lennell Papertalk, Lakeisha Winter and Roni Jones.

Our old people taught us to look at the sky – the stars , the milkyway – for the sky talks to us and tells us many things . The sky tells us when to collect emu egg, to take the young out to teach tracking skills, to go out bush for family time . We can see Seven Sisters close to the horizon getting ready to go under the water we know emu eggs ready . That sky talks to us and we know – we follow the sky and the stars – Seven Sisters.

Taking a liking to it so much they have since acquired the piece and it is now a permanent resident of the museum.

The sky talks to us

The Sky talks to us